Monday, October 8, 2012


Conservation of water


Water appears to be abundant source.
This has led to abuse of water.
Although more than 75% of the surface of the earth is covered with water, the water that is fit and available for our consumption is very much less.
Therefore we need to conserve water.
The effort made by the society towards the rational use, prevention of pollution and recycling of water is called conservation of water.
Distribution or water on earth

About 97% of the surface water is in the oceans.
This water being saline is unfit for use.
A large part of the remaining 3% water is stocked in the form of ice in the polar regions.
Only less than 1% water is supporting the organisms.
The demand for water is continuously increasing.
Obviously there is acute shortage of water.
There are many reasons for this. Some of these are listed below.

Ever increasing population.
Unsatisfactory management of water.
Deforestation and soil erosion.
Inadequate storage facilities.
Pollution of water.
Growing crop-breeds that consume more water.
Overuse of ground water.
Wastage through leakage, absorption, and evaporation.
Lowering of the storage capacity of water bodies due to silt collection.
Wasteful habits of using water.

Only 10% of the rainwater is being utilized in India. This utility is poor when compared with that of other countries. We need to collect and store more and more of this water and learn to use it. This is described as rain water harvesting. If we fail in this, a severe water famine is inevitable. We can do many things to conserve water. Some of these are briefly listed here. Try to learn more about them.
Uses of water record 

Some human activities causes pollution of water available for our use. It is also due to the unabated addition of substances like city effluents. Industrial wastes, synthetic chemicals, detergents, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, radioactive waster etc., into our environment. The widespread pollution of water due to agriculture, industries and city effluents, is one of the problems causing greatest concern to human kind. 
Collection of roof water 
Collection and use of roof water.
Improved methods of farming/irrigation.
Development of crop-breeds that consume less water.
Preventing pollution of water.
Conserving and recharging ground water.
Conservation of soil.
Preventing deforestation.
Removing silt in water bodies periodically.
Recycling of water wherever possible.
Avoiding wastage of water.

Here is a challenge for you !
Make an estimate of the amount of roof water that can be collected from your house roof during rainy season. Prepare an action plan to do this and implement the same. You may take this as a science project.

Project Activity
Make a list of the habits that result in wastage of water.
Prepare charts and make slogans to create awareness about these wasteful habits and display them.

Water is classified as soft water and hard water.

Water that gives lather with soap easily and readily is called soft water.

Water that does not give lather with soap easily and readily is called hard water.

Hardness is due to the dissolved salts like salts of bicarbonates, chlorides and sulphates of calcium and magnesium.

Based on the kind of negative ions present along with MG2+ and Ca2+ ions, hard water is classified into two types namely temporary hard water and permanent hard water.

The hardness caused by dissolved magnesium bicarbonate and calcium bicarbonate is temporary hardness. Where as the hardness caused by dissolved magnesium and calcium chlorides or magnesium and calcium sulphates is called permanent hardness.

Hard water usually contains dissolved bicarbonates. On boiling these bicarbonates dissociate to from insoluble carbonates which go on depositing on the inner walls of the boiler. This results in scaling.

Boiling is a method of removal of temporary hardness.

The condensation of water vapour produced on heating water is the principle involved in distillation.

Soda process removes both temporary hardness and permanent hardness of water.

Naturally occurring sodium aluminium silicate is called zeolite and artificially prepared sodium aluminium silicate is called permutit.

The principle involved in permutit process is to convert the dissolved salts of calcium and magnesium into insoluble calcium and magnesium permutits respectively.

Although more that 75% of the surface of the earth is covered with water, the water that is fit and available for our consumption is very much less, hence we need to conserve water.

There are many reasons for the acute shortage of water. Some of them are listed below. 

Ever increasing population.

Unsatisfactory management of water.

Pollution of water.

Overuse of ground water.

Deforestation and soil erosion.

Some methods of conserving water are

Collection and uses of roof water – Rain water harvesting.

Improved methods of forming/irrigation.

Conservation of soil.

Preventing deforestation.

Preventing pollution of water.

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